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Meet The Team: Henry Wilson
Meet The Team: Henry Wilson
Today we introduce Henry Wilson, a talented Senior Sustainability Analyst at Morelli Consulting. Henry skilfully distils complex ESG data into clear, actionable insights, aiding clients in strategic decision-making and long-term planning.   What inspired you to get involved in sustainability?   “Growing up in the New Forest, I developed a love and fascination for nature,...
Demystifying TCFD: Reporting Essentials Explained
Demystifying TCFD: Reporting Essentials Explained
What is TCFD and how did it start?   Being yet another acronym, TCFD can sound like something overly complicated, but we want to demystify this and help you to understand, comply and use it to drive sustainable action in your organisation.   The history of TCFD   In 2015, the G20 intergovernmental forum called...
Meet The Team: Melissa Carrington
Meet The Team: Melissa Carrington
Today we introduce Melissa Carrington, a valued Sustainability Consultant at Morelli Consulting. With a strong focus on client project management and data analysis, Melissa skilfully manages and validates sustainability performance data, offering insights that drive action.   What inspired you to get involved in sustainability?   “From a young age, I was captivated by the...