Meet The Team: Henry Wilson

Today we introduce Henry Wilson, a talented Senior Sustainability Analyst at Morelli Consulting. Henry skilfully distils complex ESG data into clear, actionable insights, aiding clients in strategic decision-making and long-term planning.


What inspired you to get involved in sustainability?


Growing up in the New Forest, I developed a love and fascination for nature, fostering an appreciation for the benefits of such beautiful surroundings for all living things.


This led me to focus on topics throughout my education that emphasised the natural world, ultimately guiding me to study Environmental Science at university. For my final project, I researched microplastics in bodies of water near wastewater outlets and found a concerning prevalence of microplastics being released into the wild. 


Microplastic fragments are especially hazardous as they are likely to assimilate and accumulate, posing a significant threat as they move up the food chain, with potentially devastating effects on human health.


After graduating, I ventured to Vietnam for a month, immersing myself in the pristine landscapes of its northern rural regions that differed much from the westernised southern areas. 


I also embarked on a four month journey through South America with my younger sister. We started in Argentina and travelled by bus through Chile and Peru, filled with memorable experiences like hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu and visiting the less well known salt flats in Argentina, the Salinas Grandes. 


Perhaps the most memorable experience of the trip was my final two weeks in the Galápagos Islands. Witnessing the incredible diversity and abundance of life there really drove home what’s possible when nature is allowed to thrive without human interference. It was disheartening to recognise that such beauty was confined to a remote part of the world. I left wishing everyone could experience this and hoping to find a similar sense of wonder closer to home. 


This experience solidified my commitment to sustainability, as I realised that to see such changes I wanted for the world, I needed to actively contribute to making it happen.”


What aspects of your work at Morelli Consulting do you find most rewarding?


“Even after a year at Morelli Consulting, I still feel like I’m learning every day. I get the benefit of working with my colleagues across many interesting client projects to further their ESG strategy and help them deliver on their ESG policy, as well as having my own dedicated projects. 


A unique aspect of my role involves keeping the team informed about significant news or relevant topics through what we call Lunch and Learns at Morelli. I also lead specific webinars, particularly when new legislation or sustainability frameworks are introduced, or when updates to existing ones, such as changes to ESG frameworks, need to be communicated to the team. Rather than having everyone spend time reading lengthy documents, I distil the essentials into digestible highlights.


I find benchmarking can be extremely rewarding, especially when leveraged effectively to guide clients in their decision-making processes, offering a comparative analysis that highlights industry standards and best practices. By using benchmarks, I can provide clients with a clear understanding of how their current performance measures up against competitors and industry leaders. This comparative data aids in identifying performance gaps, setting realistic goals, and formulating strategic initiatives. Ultimately, we help clients make informed decisions, optimise operations, and achieve competitive advantage in their respective markets.


I truly value the resilience of our team at Morelli. When quick turnarounds are needed, we tackle them with determination and grit. No challenge is too great; we just tackle it head-on, helped by the whole team’s consistent and steadfast support.”


Can you share more about your previous work experience?


“My parents run a four-star luxury hotel in the New Forest, so from a young age, I was involved in supporting the family business. As I got older, I transitioned from serving food and making cocktails to the sales office, where I coordinated and sold conferences, weddings and events, discovering business communications came naturally to me. 


When COVID-19 hit, I focused on using my time productively. I rolled my sleeves up and helped with improvements around the Hotel, including a front terrace 100 table seating area extension. I also worked on launching Brockenhurst Brewery, a microbrewery located in the now disused squash courts, learning the brewing process and establishing clear procedures for future management.Henry’s Pale Ale is still available at the premises today, thanks to the ease of process created and successfully handed over. 


After my South American travels and reinvigorated desire to positively impact the environment, I began working as an ESG analyst at a global chemicals company. This role provided me with my first experience of applying my degree to make a positive impact. 


During my time there, I challenged myself to drive change; collating complex sustainability data to identify areas for improvement, managing ESG reporting for the S&P Global CSA, initiating companywide biodiversity mapping of the global production sites for biodiversity impact, and even implementing a recycling waste stream for non-hazardous lab waste that would have otherwise be destined to landfill. Ultimately, due to budget cuts, my team was cut, offering me the chance to pursue a role in sustainability with the potential for greater tangible impact.”


How did you come to join Morelli Consulting?


“After leaving the chemicals company, I shifted my focus to sustainability consulting. I realised that in this field, I would be working with clients who were already convinced of sustainability’s importance, ability to drive growth and add value. These businesses would not just be open to change; they would be actively seeking guidance on how to implement it. 


I was drawn to Morelli Consulting specifically because it comprises a smaller team, allowing me direct access and exposure to highly skilled and experienced colleagues.” 


How do you incorporate sustainability into your everyday life?


“For me, sustainability isn’t just about making one large change; it’s about the cumulative effect of many smaller decisions. Being conscious of where my food comes from, choosing reusable options over single-use plastics, and limiting water use are all daily choices that contribute to a broader, sustainable lifestyle. I believe that these small, manageable changes are the most effective way for us all to make a difference.


However, one bigger change is my recent decision to move from my home in The New Forest to Chichester, where the Morelli Consulting office is. This move significantly reduces the environmental impact of my commute and will allow me to cycle to work, cutting down my carbon emissions further.


My lifelong passion for sports, especially rugby and golf, has instilled in me a true appreciation for teamwork and respect, influencing my professional life and approach to sustainability. At Morelli Consulting, our success in driving positive change is built on teamwork. However, this idea extends beyond our office; it requires global collaboration. I believe real change comes from our unified efforts across the planet to tackle environmental challenges together.”


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