Meet The Team: Melissa Carrington

Today we introduce Melissa Carrington, a valued Sustainability Consultant at Morelli Consulting. With a strong focus on client project management and data analysis, Melissa skilfully manages and validates sustainability performance data, offering insights that drive action.


What inspired you to get involved in sustainability?


“From a young age, I was captivated by the idea of making a positive impact on the world, a spark ignited by a school talk on recycling. I’ve always been conscious that each action has a consequence, driving me to think beyond myself and consider the broader implications of my choices. Unlike others who might feel insignificant as one person among eight billion, I see individual actions as collectively powerful.


I pursued geography in school and later at university, not for its direct career prospects, but out of sheer passion. After graduating in 2012, I spent six years travelling the world slowly and purposefully, engaging with and appreciating different cultures and landscapes. 


My travels included volunteering on organic farms in New Zealand and Australia, working with cocoa farmers in Nigeria, and house sitting across Central America. These enriching experiences in diverse geographical locations reinforced my desire to care for and preserve the natural world for future generations.


Upon returning home in 2019, though my soul was full from my travels, I felt a strong calling to professionalise my passion for sustainability.”


What aspects of your work at Morelli Consulting do you find most rewarding?


“My colleagues know that I’m a process-loving person who truly enjoys getting stuck into the data, particularly when calculating clients’ carbon footprints. Carbon footprinting involves processing raw data, such as transportation, electricity and fuel invoices, along with goods and services purchased or produced. I create clear templates that map these inputs to their emission factors, which helps clients easily understand the total amount of greenhouse gases associated with their direct and indirect business operations. From this, I help to identify carbon hotspots in their operations which often underpins and informs sustainability and decarbonisation strategies.


From working my way from Junior Analyst to Sustainability Consultant, my client-facing work has increased over the years, and I take great pleasure in guiding clients through interpreting complex ESG data and understanding its importance. I provide them with reporting guidelines and methodologies to ensure they can replicate and track these processes independently, with the ambition to reduce their environmental impact over time. 


I work with both large, global FTSE 100 companies and small, local businesses. While some may engage with sustainability services due to regulatory demands, others are driven by a genuine passion for environmental stewardship that permeates their entire organisation. I find small-scale local projects particularly rewarding as they offer tangible results and a close-up view of progress. 


It’s fulfilling to see these clients embed our sustainability strategies into their operations and culture, allowing engaged employees to take ownership and actively participate. This widespread engagement not only advances their sustainability goals but also embeds these practices into their everyday business, which I think is a significant measure of success.”


How did you come to join Morelli Consulting?


“Four and a half years ago, I started a part time Nutritional Therapy course which meant I had to stay in the UK for three years. I decided to write a letter to the universe, outlining my intentions to explore careers in sustainability alongside my passion for nutrition. I didn’t know what this role would look like but I knew my passion and real-life travel experiences would lead me to the right employer. I updated my CV and LinkedIn profile to reflect my active search for a sustainability role.  


Within a week, a recruiter contacted me about a position that seemed like my dream job. Despite admitting to the recruiter that I lacked the specific technical competencies listed, I was encouraged to proceed. After a reassuring phone call, I met with Shelley, the founder and director of Morelli Consulting, in person for a discussion that ended with her offering me the job on the spot! I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity and honoured to have been part of Shelley’s team from the beginning.”


Can you share a bit more about your previous work experience?


“After university I was a Change Maker for the 2012 London Paralympic Games and also interned for three months with the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) in London. Additionally, I contributed to Stop The Traffik, a charity focused on raising awareness about human trafficking and modern-day slavery, educating the public on how to identify and report these issues.


In my early working life, I balanced multiple jobs to fund my travels. I worked early morning shifts at Sainsbury’s, packing online grocery orders, then cycled to photograph CDs and vinyls for a second hand sales company, and finished my day working as a barmaid at my local pub. This busy schedule was driven by my goal to travel the world for several years, a purpose that fuelled my strong work ethic. 


After travelling, I explored another passion in further education – nutrition. My training as a Nutritional Therapist enriches my current role, particularly in aspects of food waste and nutrition. 


Thinking about it holistically, my career path certainly seems to reflect a consistent theme of caring for both people and the planet. I believe it’s important to incorporate your passions into your everyday life, encouraging those led by passion rather than experience, as passion cannot be taught, whereas skills can be learned.”


How do you incorporate sustainability into your everyday life?


“I’m very conscious about my consumption and will always opt for buying second hand clothes from car boot sales, online platforms like Vinted, and mainly from charity shops; it’s a win-win – you help a great cause and score some fabulous finds. 


I’ve managed to convert a lot of friends and family after seeing the benefits not just of cost-saving, but the amount of compliments I receive from unique pieces I’ve picked up. I find this approach not only accessible for me, my friends, and family, but also impactful as it promotes the principles of the circular economy. 


I also make it a point to buy local and organic veggies, and I’m careful to choose only organic, free-range meat with good welfare standards for my family. My nutrition background really drives home the importance of nutrient-rich soils and the harmful effects of pesticides and intensive farming, which affect the nutritional quality of our food, our health and our mood. This underscores the need for environmental protection particularly in agriculture. 


Right now, I’m limited by space since I only have a small balcony, but my ambition is to grow my own organic herbs and veggies in my garden, to feed my family.” 


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